Article archive

How to Create a Footnote Using Microsoft Word 2007

11/05/2010 16:23
Type some text, then leave the cursor (or insertion point) at the end of the sentence. Click on the “References” tab, then click “Insert Footnote”. Word will present a blank footnote to you. Enter your footnote text. When you look back at your original paragraph, you’ll see the footnote...

Programatically Hide Browser Menubar

07/05/2010 06:50
If you'd like to hide the IE menubar from viewers of your page, add "toolbar=0" to the end of your href element. Example: Then, instead of this,...'ll see this.

Reduce PDF Size

07/05/2010 06:11
You can create PDFs using Microsoft Office 2007 tools. But you can also use CutePDF to create PDFs. In the following image, the smaller file was created using CutePDF; the larger was created using Microsoft Word 2007. Both files were created from the same Word document.

Use Favorites in Windows Explorer

07/05/2010 05:16
Do you find it aggravating having to re-enter or re-find folders you commonly use in Windows XP Explorer?  Wish there was a way you could remember your most-used, or favorite, folders?  You can save shortcuts to folders in your Favorites just as you save bookmarks to web pages. ...

Generate a PDF, with bookmarks, from Microsoft Office 2007 Tools

28/04/2010 22:15
One of the things I really like about some PDFs is that they contain a list of bookmarks, an index on the left side of the Arcobat reader, that let's you find things in your PDF quickly. If you're using Microsoft Word 2007 (and Excel!), you can generate a PDF which includes a bookmark list that...

Improving theme selection UI in APEX 3.2

20/04/2010 12:01
You can change the icons on the themes so that you don’t have to remember how they look; instead, you can see how they look.  Just switch to a theme, Snagit, resize the image, save the file, and edit the theme. By the way, here’s the smartphone theme that comes with APEX 3.2.

Quick comparison of PLSQL Developer, and SQL Developer

20/04/2010 11:48
Here’s PLSQL Developer’s RAM usage: 22,313. Here’s SQL Developer’s.  That reads 141,764 K, almost 7x as much as the other tool.  The only benefits of SQL Developer that I’ve discovered so far are that it’s free, and that it displays the contents of Application Express objects. But...

Updated website provides more information

20/04/2010 11:30
New content was added to our website today. The Services menu now has a number of sub-menus so that visitors can learn more about the services K. Anderson & Associates offers. Ken Anderson's bio resume has been updated. Please visit today to see what's new.

VicOUG Presentation: An Approach to Reducing Inefficiencies in Development Projects

15/04/2010 02:30
Software-development companies need to be as profitable as possible; to do so they need to strive continually to identify and improve those points in their development processes where inefficiency is highest.  This not only reduces their costs, it keeps their customers' happy. In this...

First blog

10/04/2010 05:54
Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.
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